AP American Government and Politics
Robert Duensing: robert.duensing@d11.org
Office Hours: 7:00am-8:30am, 2:15-3:20
Website: http://duensrm.tripod.com
Textbook practice tests and more http://college.cengage.com/polisci/wilson/am_gov/9e/students/index.html
Overview: This course is a comprehensive examination of U.S. Politics, the origins of U.S. Government, and how they influence
the U.S. governmental system. You will prepare to take the national AP exam. This course will be taught at and expectations
will be at the college level. We will use current, everyday examples to make connections across time and concept with AP
Text: James Q. Wilson, John J. Dilulio, Jr. American Government 8th ed. Houghton Miffllin Company 2001
Units of Study
Unit 1: Underpinnings of the Constitution, Federalism
Unit 2: Political Beliefs/Behaviors: Public Opinion, Campaigns and Voting Behavior
Unit 3: Linkage Institutions: Interest groups, Political Parties, Elections, and the Media
Unit 4: Institutions
4A: Congress
4B:Presidency, Bureaucracy and Budget
Unit 5: Public Policy
Unit 6: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights
Grading Points
Tests = 100
Quizzes = 25
FRQ = 50
Unit Overviews = 50
TED Talk = 50
Civic Action Project = 50
In Class Assignments = 5-25
Fees & Supplies Needed
-Three ring binder with eight tabs/dividers.
-Red, Green, and Yellow highlighters
-Paper, pens, and #2 pencils
-Pocket Constitution
-$6 Printed PowerPoint notes outlines paid to the Business Office
• Cracking the AP U.S. Government & Politics Exam, 2017 Edition