Political Party Simulation
Students will create political parties that best represent their positions on the issues presented. Try to increase your party size.
q Discover how compromise and cooperation are
essential for political success
q Discover how political parties are formed
q Discover how and why political parties change
through time
Round 1
Length: 5 minutes
Find as many people in the class that agree with all of your decisions. Write
the number of people in your party.
Length: 5 minutes
You may change your opinions on up to 2 issues in order to increase the size of your party. You may not change your opinion on the starred item. At the
end of this round the positions stated have become your party’s position
3 and 4 Length: 5 minutes each
You may change your opinions on any issues except your starred issue.
5 Length:
10 minutes
You may change your position on the starred issue